Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Letter to Rene Friant from Murder on the Champ de Mars by Cara Black

April 1, 2015

Dearest Rene-

Poor mon petit! I know the gypsies call you this, perhaps in a derogatory manner, but know when I refer to you this way I say it with only the deepest affection. I feel for you and not because of your height or your health but because of your unrequited love. I put in a good word for you but honestly I do not believe Aimee the type to settle down with anyone so it might be best to give up on that idea. I know you will not give up on her and who knows I may be wrong... I have been wrong in the past. I like you mon petit. You are clever and caring and when I felt a tad bored with Aimee you were there to keep me the story.

Till We Meet Again-

Letter to Aimee Leduc from Murder on the Champ de Mars by Cara Black

April 1, 2015

Dear Ms. Leduc-
I am happy to make your acquaintance. From my little research of you it appears that you have been busy. First I have to say that even though you and Melac appear to have reached an agreement as it goes with Chloe... let him go! The idea of him, the hurt that you clearly still feel from his rejection of you... let it all go. You have so much going on in your life that I cannot see why you still let him upset you. I know he is the father of your baby, but really he is quite the jerk. You know if you really feel the need to have a man in your life there is one who is already closer to you than you think. All I am saying is that you really do not need to look that far. He already cares for Chloe and will follow you into any outrageous, dangerous situation you choose to pursue. I think you know who I am talking about and if not, wake up Aimee!

Alright enough love life advice, it sounds like you get much of it from many of your friends. Let us now talk of Paris. My first visit was with you. Others in the past have tried to bring me along but honestly I did not pay much attention, they were poor tour guides. Flying through the streets with you in pursuit of Nicu and Drina's killers was thrilling. I learned so much about your culture and your city. Not to mention that all you need for a good disguise is a quick change of handbag. I have to ask one thing of you for our next adventure, can we visit more cafes? I cannot get enough espresso and the smell of fresh baked baguettes.

Till We Meet Again-

P.S. I think I might know what your favorite word is... you say it quite often and it makes me giggle when I think of it in print. I fear that I will never tire of curse words, especially when they are in French.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Letters to Bilbo Baggins from The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien

February 4, 2015

Dear Mr. Baggins,

We have only just met but I can tell that we will be lifelong friends. Well, I admire your sense of adventure and bravery to try out a new occupation, I do have to question your sanity, just a little. Your hobbit hole is so lovely and you have many fantastic books to read, why in the name of Middle Earth would you want to leave all that? You do realize that tea time is more than likely not a valued pastime of the traveling Dwarves. Since you seem as though you will set off on this adventure to be the fourteenth member and burglar of this newly formed company I just have one piece of advice to you before you go… do not forget extra pocket handkerchiefs.

Yours Truly-

February 7, 2015

Dearest Bilbo-

What a brave hobbit you are and how very lucky you are to know so many riddles. I thought perhaps you would perish down in the dark with Gollum. He does not seem too bad a fellow, even though he meant to eat you. From what I hear he has been down there for a very long time with only his Precious. Speaking of Precious, what a find! Hold onto it tight Master Baggins that could very well be the key that saves your life for I have a feeling that further peril lies ahead on your way to the mountain. Oh and you shan’t worry about Thorin Oakenshield. He seems displeased with you now but I believe he will warm up to soon. I mean look how some of the other members of your company think of you now, the save from the Trolls was truly inspired.


February 11, 2015

My Dearest Bilbo-

What a quest! Dragons! I meant to write earlier but I only just restarted my heart. Yet again I thought I would loose you to the dangers you face. The attacks feel like they are happening to your company daily. Whenever do you find the time to sleep? I am glad that you are safe now in the mountain. But I must say something seems odd about that place. I can tell that you sense it as well. Thorin seems most effected by the illness that plagues that mountain, he is acting quite strange. Perhaps Smaug did place a curse upon the place as he suggested. Are you going to give Thorin the heart of the mountain? It is quite a predicament. If I were in your position I should like to think that I would not, I fear it would make things worse for everyone. Truly, I would more than likely have stayed home with my books and kettle, you dear sir are much braver than I. Facing that dragon has elevated you to one of my all-time favorite characters. For not only did you face an angry beast that could kill you in so many nasty ways, you were witty about it. Such a clever hobbit.

Till We Meet Again-

February 14, 2015

The nerve! The absolute nerve of those Shire Hobbits! I cannot believe they auctioned off your belongings and are now claiming they do not believe that you are not deceased. What do they suppose you are, a ghost? Our journey is now come to an end, but more than likely this will not be my last letter to you. Your adventure has changed my reading life. I laughed and cried and never once tired of you or your company. I thoroughly enjoyed the time we spent together. I have a special place for adventures like yours that I plan to revisit many times over my lifetime. You shall sit on my shelf next to dear Mr. Harry Potter because the two of you are brave, humorous and somewhat prone to trouble.

Most Sincerely Yours-